2022 : 庄内クリエート工業 – Work Uniform for Fall/Winter
内容:アート x 製造業(作業着)

We had the privilege to design autumn and winter workwear for Shonai Create Industries, a manufacturing company based in Shonai City, Yamagata Prefecture. Founded in 1977, the company has been engaged in producing a wide range of machinery in various genres, including specialized industrial machinery and medical devices such as high-frequency cancer hyperthermia treatment machines, using a small-scale, high-variety production approach.

先端技術が急速に発達し変化し続ける世の中で、伝統ある製造業の企業として今まで培ってきた技術や繋がりを大事にしながらも、新しいことにも挑戦し成長し続けなくてはならない。変化に対応しながら、古いイメージを持つ製造企業のイメージも変えていきたい。そのような想いを受け、アートを用いた企業リブランディン グの第一弾として、従業員の皆様が毎日着用される作業着のデザインを手掛けさせて頂きました。
Challenge Background:
In a rapidly evolving world of advanced technologies, it is crucial for traditional manufacturing companies to uphold their cultivated skills and relationships while embracing new challenges for continuous growth. While adapting to these changes, there is a desire to transform the image of manufacturing companies associated with old perceptions. With this in mind, as the first step of corporate rebranding using art, we took on the task of designing work attire worn by employees on a daily basis.

『CREATE for SMILES(笑顔をつくる仕組みをつくる)』
庄内クリエート工業様がリブランディングを行う目的や組織や現場の課題・方向性を考慮し、社員全員が一つのチームとして進むための主軸となるものが必要と考え、 新スローガン「CREATE for SMILES」を策定しました。このスローガンには、同社はものづくり企業として、ただ単にモノを作るのではなく、「笑顔をつくる仕組みをつくる」という想いを込めています。
New Slogan:
We formulated “CREATE for SMILES” as the new slogan, considering Shonai Create Industries’ purpose, organizational aspects, and on-site challenges and directions for the rebranding. Recognizing the need for a unifying element for all employees to progress as one team, the new slogan “CREATE for SMILES” was created. This slogan embodies the company’s aspiration to not just create products as a manufacturing enterprise but to instill the notion of “creating systems that bring smiles.”

Chiaki Akadaがデザインしたオリジナルアートには、日本百名山に数えられる山形県の雄大な『山々』と会社の要である人と機械を連想させる『歯車』、モノづくりを通じて新たな芽が咲き誇り全てが結ばれていくことをイ メージした『花』と『リボン』が表現さ れています。
Creation of Original Artwork:
The original artwork designed by Chiaki Akada encompasses the majestic “mountains” of Yamagata Prefecture, classified among Japan’s top 100 mountains; the imagery of “gears” symbolizing both people and machinery, vital components of the company; and the concepts of “flowers” and “ribbons” portraying the flourishing of new ideas, history of the company, and the interconnectedness that blooms through craftsmanship.

優れたデザイン性と機能性を持つ作業着を採用し、全ての手配から納品までをCHIAKI AKADA STUDIOが担当しました。 今回のリブランディングの結果、「作業着を着るだけで働くモチベーションが上がった」「取引先の方らかよい反応を頂く」「汚れが目立ちにくくてよい」など、 従業員の方からの評価もよく、社内の雰囲気が変わりモチベーション向上に貢献しました。 また、新しい事業アイディアやブランディング戦略も生まれ、プロジェクトを進めています。
By adopting workwear with both excellent design and functionality, and managing everything from coordination to delivery, we commited to their first rebranding. The outcome of this rebranding effort has resulted in elevated employee motivation merely through wearing the work attire, positive reactions from business partners, and appreciation for the attire’s resistance to visible dirt. The evaluation from employees has been highly positive, contributing to a change in the internal atmosphere and increased motivation. Furthermore, this initiative has led to the emergence of fresh business ideas and branding strategies, which are currently being advanced through ongoing projects.